Equipment for all types of crisis situations should be planned in advance and placed in a bag (also called Bug out bag) whose contents can be also used as a reserve in all circumstances. Although, until the recent earthquakes in Croatia, the usual idea of an emergency kit was that it was almost unnecessary, very rarely or never used, after all the problems that have arisen recently, we realized that it is a very useful “tool”.
Especially when we realized that emergency situations occur suddenly, without warning, and without enough time to take action before fleeing the dangerous area. In addition, due to increased pace of life, travel, relocation, and similar reasons, it is always useful to have on hand, for example, copies of important documents, spare batteries, and similar things that can be used in everyday circumstances and when there is no danger.
In this section, we will provide descriptions and sometimes tests of different kits and equipment to help in crisis situations…
Contents of the survival kit in case of a disaster:
The kit or bag should contain basic personal documents, items listed in the list, should be of small dimensions, made of waterproof material, and should be kept in a safe and easily accessible place:
- List of important phone numbers (on paper)
- First aid kit (make your own kit and see advice HERE)
- Medications for chronic patients (therapy that you need to take every day)
- Spare glasses and lenses
- Money (cash)
- Copies of all important documents (can also be used in case of loss)
- Mobile phones and chargers (additional battery for charging, if you have a GPS handheld device or watch with navigation option)
- Spare keys to the house and car
- Personal hygiene kit
- Pen and paper
- Swiss army knife or hunting knife, multitool, strong adhesive tape, whistle, etc.
- Matches and lighters
- Sturdy shoes and spare clothes
- Flashlight with spare batteries
- Radio with spare batteries or inductive charging
- Water in a bottle (consumption of 2 liters per person per day)
- Canned and non-perishable food (can opener, cutlery)
- Food and sweets with longer shelf life
- (Baby food, pet food)
- (Covers and spare clothes, if possible)
- (If you have other equipment such as handheld radios, etc.
It is good to prepare in advance for a disaster:
- Make your own plan for emergency situations. Talk to your family members, agree on how to contact each other in such situations, which way to go, where to meet, and what to do in crisis situations (a list of contacts and important numbers, besides in your phone, it is also good to have it on paper).
- Inform yourself about plans for disaster situations at your workplace, school, and other institutions that your children attend, and where other household members stay.
- Determine a meeting place that must be well known and provide safety to all family members.
Various kits and equipment used to help in emergency situations in the household will be described separately:
- Household medicine cabinet and first aid kit
- Bag with a complete first aid kit
- Fire extinguishers (learn how to use them)
- Smoke and gas sensors (professionally installed)
- Mobile phones and apps (learn how to send your location, as well as basic crisis communication)
- Battery chargers, battery packs, solar chargers
- Handheld flashlights
- Radio receivers (battery operated or with a hand crank for inductor power)
- Handheld radios (“walkie-talkies”)
- Survival navigation kits (compass, maps)
- GPS navigation equipment (like Garmin, Magellan, etc.)
- Self-defense equipment (basic martial arts skills, various types of weapons, etc.)